Personal Data Protection Policy

Personal Data Protection Policy

Date of update: 20.07.2023

1. Information about us LLC "Rentacost" (Administrator / Rentacost / We), is a company registered in Bulgaria.

2. Our treatment of your personal data 

Rentacost attaches great importance to the protection of personal data and collects and processes personal data only in in accordance with local and European legislation. The purpose of this Privacy Policy ("Policy(s)") is to inform you about how we process your data and what personal data we collect about you, for what purpose, on what basis, during which time, with whom we will share them and, where applicable, what are your rights. The security of the data you entrust to us is very important to us. Therefore, we protect your data by applying appropriate technical and organizational measures to prevent unauthorized access, unauthorized or malicious use, loss or premature deletion of information.

3. For whom does Rentacost process data?

In connection with the provision of our services, Rentacost processes the following Data Subjects ("Subjects", "You", "You"):

  • Users  (visitors) of the Rentacost website -     (hereinafter referred to as the "Site"), without registration;

  • Users of the Rentacost Site with registration;

  • Lessees of motor vehicles (TC) under a vehicle lease agreement;

  • Individuals - third parties who are not tenants vehicle information about which Rentacost collects and processes in connection with or in connection with car rental contracts - for example, additional driver; in the case of a booking made from the name of another person; participants in an accident with a rented car;

  • Persons who contacted Rentacost with requests (including telephone), requests, signals, complaints or other correspondence;

  • Persons about whom such requests may contain information (including by telephone), requests, signals, complaints or other correspondence sent to Rentacost.

  • 4. What personal data do we process about you? 

    A. Magazines. Use of the Site without registration. Cookies

    The site uses logs for the following purposes:

    • ensuring the reliable operation of the Services and identifying technical problems;

    • Securing the Services and detecting malicious activity;

    • Logs, if required by law (for example, electronic application logs).

    Login log: This log allows you to detect and automatically block unauthorized attempts account access. It is stored for 6 /six/ months from the moment of last use and contains the date and time of entry, status, information about whether the login was made through the mobile version, application or desktop browser, IP address.

    Server logs, security logs (Web Application Firewalls) and other devices in this category. These magazines necessary to detect technical problems, detect malicious activities, etc. for the above purposes. They are kept for 6 /six/ months since last use. Magazines can contain the following information: date and time, IP address, URL, information about browser and device. In addition, some devices may cookie-based security technology is used. This information processed for all visitors to the Site, regardless of whether whether they have registered and/or logged into their account.

    B. Registration and maintenance of an account on the Site 

    Use of some of our services, such as online booking, possible after registration. To create your user profile, registering on the Site, you must enter the name, surname, number phone number, email address and password. Entering this data is required to create an account on the Site.

    In addition, information about electronic applications, made by you during registration (to complete registration and accept of our terms), which includes the date, time and IP address.

    Features of the Site also allow you to store additional data such as date of birth, identification number, number driver's license and citizenship. This data is filled in Your request, the purpose of which is to save a profile for automatic and faster filling of your personal data when online booking. You decide whether to keep these additional data relating to you in your profile on the Site and to what extent. If you do not want to fill in this data, you can do it later, when you go to online booking. You can also remove or change them at any time.

    B. Use of our services

    Our services are provided through our website, external partnerships online car rental platforms, by phone (booking an appointment) or at Rentacost offices.

    In order to take measures to conclude an agreement, conclude an agreement and to provide our services, we process the following categories of data about You, namely:

    • personal identification data (for example, names; details of the identity document - number and date of issue, issuer, validity period;

    • driver's license data - license number, date of issue, expiration date, category for which it indeed, the country of issue; address; phone number; email address mail),

    • financial data (bank card details - card number and expiration date; information about amounts due and paid;

    • of the payment instrument used;

    • bank account details, if we receive payment through a bank account),

    • reservation data (for example, parameters and reservation number),

    • GPS data on the location of the rental car.

    In addition, in the case of online booking, information about electronic statements made by you in connection with the booking, including date, time and IP address from which they were made, as well as from which account user records they are made.

    Rentacost will require you to present (for reference) a certificate identity/passport at the conclusion of the contract for identity verification/delivery rental car, to record/check the correctness of the data identity document required for the conclusion contract, and to confirm your address. Rentacost does not make a copy of your ID.

    Rentacost receives and processes a copy of the driver's identity card and, for citizens of Bulgaria, a copy of the control certificate, Based on our legal obligation to provide information about the violator in accordance with the Law on Road Traffic in in the event of an offense committed in a car rented by us, in corresponding territorial structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and also from a legitimate interest in protecting our rights and interests in in the event of incidents caused by or affecting you in connection with using a car rented by us.

    G. Inquiries, communication and customer service

    To deal with complaints, signals, inquiries, requests and other messages addressed to Rentacost, regardless of the channel used communication (e.g. on site at our office, by mail, by telephone, by email, other online communication channels such as Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram, etc.), we store and process information, contained in the relevant message or related to its subject, and also the results of its consideration.

    Please note that phone calls to our contact numbers are recorded. If you do not want your calls to be recorded, you can contact Rentacost through any other of the above communication channels.

    D. Direct Marketing

    Rentacost carries out activities related to direct marketing, including surveys, questionnaires, placement advertising, informing about promotions for our services, etc. V according to your consent. The data we will process for such purposes based on your consent, are described in relevant application or other document in which you expressed your consent to this.

    In addition, we may use your contact details (address email, phone number) to send you questions/surveys about Your feedback on the rental car, as well as on the provided service. Completing this form is completely voluntary.


    In order to protect our property in our office space, workshops and car parks are video monitored and recorded (hereinafter "CCTV"). When entering, leaving or being in the specified premises you can become the object of video surveillance and video recording.

    5. Purposes of personal data processing 

    Rentacost collects, uses and processes the above information for the purposes set out in this Policy, which may be as follows:

    • necessary for the conclusion and execution of the service agreement between you and Rentacost;

    • Purposes necessary to fulfill Rentacost's legal obligations

    • necessary to protect and enforce the legitimate interests of Rentacost, our partner, or other users of the Services;

    • Purposes for which you have given your explicit consent.

    5.1. Conclusion or performance of a contract 

    These are the targets needed to complete the conclusion and performance of the contract between you and Rentacost, including data processing, necessary for this purpose when registering, creating and maintaining a profile on the Site, activities to provide the Services available through our Site, through external partner online platforms for car rental services, by phone or at Rentacost offices. In addition, these goals include our communications with you, including by phone or email, necessary in connection with the provision of the Services, changes to our terms and conditions, etc., which will be discussed below. For these purposes may require processing of some or all of the above categories of data, with the exception of the data specified in paragraphs "E" - "Direct Marketing" and "F" - "Video Surveillance".

    5.2. Legal obligations

    These are goals related to compliance with Rentacost's legal obligations, which include:

    • fulfillment of obligations related to the provisions of the     Traffic Act;

    • obligations related to tax compliance legislation, including in particular the obligations under the Law on Accounting and the Procedural Code on Taxes and social guarantees and other relevant regulations, in connection with the maintenance of proper and legal accounting;

    • ensuring the possibility of exercising the control powers of the competent state bodies;

    • obligations to preserve and/or provide information competent state and judicial authorities in accordance with current legislation;

    • when fulfilling Rentacost's legal obligations under notifying you of various circumstances related to your rights, services provided, including in connection with the protection of your data and etc. etc.

    For these purposes, some or all of the above categories of data may be required to be processed.

    5.3 Legitimate interest 

    These are goals related to the realization of the legitimate interests of Rentacost and / or third parties such as its business partners, other users of the Site, additional drivers, persons who made a reservation in favor of / from on behalf of third parties or those third parties for/on behalf of whom booked, other persons involved in an accident with the rental car, etc. etc.

    These goals include:

    • video surveillance in our commercial and administrative premises to ensure the security of our premises and property;

    • ensuring the normal functioning and use of the Site, maintaining, managing and administering our services;

    • dispute resolution, detection and prevention of malicious acts;

    • transfer (assignment) of rights of claim and / or forced fulfillment of requirements. We may have a third party collect our receivables (amounts     that you owe us) on our behalf or assign (assign) such receivables of ours debt to third parties;

    • informing you, including in electronic form, on important issues related to our services;

    • receiving and processing signals, complaints, requests and other received correspondence, as well as communicating with you about this;

    • partnership     between Rentacost and external     for the provision of car rental services;

    • Protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the specified     third parties, including, but not limited to, in connection with the accident cases;

    • to establish, enforce or protect     legal claims and the exercise and protection of rights and legitimate interests Rentacost, including in court, as well as assistance in the implementation.

    For these purposes, some or all of the above categories of data may be required to be processed.

    5.4. Explicit consent

    With your explicit consent, your data may be processed for the specific purposes to which you have consented, to the extent and extent, specified in the respective consent.

    6. Conditions under which we process your personal data 

    Personal data provided or collected by Rentacost may be kept in a form that allows you to identify you for a period time not exceeding the period necessary for the purposes of processing personal data. In addition, we follow the important principle of minimization data, which means that we keep your data to a minimum volume.

    6.1. Data processed by us for registration purposes and maintaining an account on the Site are stored for the entire period maintaining an account on the Site and up to 5 / five / years after termination registration.

    6.2.Additional data you enter into your profile on the Site will be kept until you delete them or until termination of your registration, except as applicable a longer period provided for in this Policy or applicable law (for example, when such data is used and processed in connection with the use of our services - the implementation online booking).

    6.3. The data we process in connection with using our services, concluding and executing a contract, are stored throughout the term of the lease vehicle and up to 5 /five/ years from the date of its termination, for unless a longer term applies, provided for by this Policy or applicable law (for example, in connection with our tax and accounting obligations).

    6.4.We store invoices, financial and accounting documents and information, as well as other information, necessary in connection with our tax and accounting obligations, within a period of up to 10 /ten/ years from the beginning of the year, following the financial year to which the respective data.

    6.5. Data processed in connection with requests, communication and customer service (including complaints and signals) are stored in for a period of up to 5 /five/ years, unless the longer term provided for in this Policy applies or applicable law.

    Records of telephone conversations with Rentacost are stored no more than 30 /thirty/ days, except for cases when more than the long term provided for by this Policy or the current legislation (for example, in the event of a dispute).

    6.6. The data we receive and collect from questionnaires/surveys about your feedback are stored for a period up to 1 /one/ year. You may at any time request that this information before the expiration of this period.

    6.7.Data obtained on the basis of consent, stored until the withdrawal of consent or until the expiration of the period, provided by the relevant consent (if any).

    6.8.Rentacost stores the GPS data of the rental car for 60 days.

    6.9. Recordings from CCTV cameras are stored for no more than 2 /two/ months from the moment of shooting.

    6.10. System logs, security logs, and technical support, except for electronic statement logs, stored for no more than 1 /one/ year. Logs of electronic statements are stored in in accordance with the terms of storage of registration data, data on use of our services or in accordance with other terms, provided by this Policy.

    6.11. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in:

    • Mandatory instruction from the competent government authority to retain certain data/content; or

    • The reason for the emergence of a specific litigation or proceedings,

    may require the storage and processing of your personal data in for a longer period of time than indicated. In these cases personal data will be processed and stored in accordance with by the period set by the competent authority, or, respectively, up to 5 (five) years after the final conclusion of the dispute or proceedings in all instances.

    The above data retention periods are subject to change in the event of changes in applicable law.

    7. Provision/transfer of personal data outside the EU 

    Rentacost does not transfer personal data outside the EU and EEA if only we have not explicitly stated this (for example, in connection with a specific data processing based on your consent - in the declaration of consent).

    8. Who do we share your information with? 

    Rentacost uses third parties to manage our business, serving our customers, supporting certain contractual activities or to comply with our legal obligations.

    Rentacost does not provide your data to third parties, except in cases described in this Policy, applicable terms and conditions Rentacost, as well as in accordance with the law.

    8.1. Processors on behalf of Rentacost

    Your personal data may be transferred to third parties in their as handlers, but only after we make sure that there were all technical and organizational measures have been taken to protect this data, and we strive to exercise strict control to achieve this goal. Persons acting as processors on behalf of Rentacost are required to process your data only in accordance with our documented instructions and only for purposes expressly stated Rentacost and provided for in this Data Protection Policy. Such persons may be, for example, debt collection companies that we may instruct to collect from you the debt on our behalf, suppliers technological services for hosting, maintenance of the Site and our information systems, etc., accounting service providers and others suppliers and subcontractors.

    8.2. Third parties

    In the case of booking a car through external partner online platforms for the provision of car rental services or other using the assistance of such persons or travel agencies with your parties in connection with the use of our services, your personal data will be exchanged between us and such persons to the extent and extent necessary for the fulfillment of the relevant bookings, as well as for reporting between us and them.

    For the purposes set out in this Policy, your information may provided to other third parties and/or exchanged with them in connection with compliance with our legal obligations, in connection with the payments (payment service providers), upon the occurrence of an insurance a case involving vehicles, assignees (we we can transfer our claims to you to third parties - legal successors), courier service providers, etc. etc.

    In addition to the foregoing, Rentacost may disclose your personal data to third parties, if required by law, including including if Rentacost is duly requested by the competent government or judicial authority, if Rentacost has received your explicit consent to this, and if it is necessary to protect the rights and legal interests of Rentacost or other interested third parties (for example, lawyers, notaries, etc., see below).

    9. Security 

    Rentacost takes measures to protect your personal data from accidental loss and unauthorized access, use, changes or disclosures. The company has policies and procedures that aimed at protecting information from loss, misuse and unauthorized disclosure.

    10. Rights in relation to personal data

    The General Data Protection Regulation (the "Regulation") grants individuals the following rights:

    10.1. Right to information

    At any time, you have the right to receive from Rentacost informationabout personal data that has been collected and stored about you. Real The policy is intended to inform you when processing your personal data in connection with your use of the Site and/or our services.

    10.2. Access rights

    You have the right to receive confirmation from Rentacost that whether your personal data is processed and, if processed, access this data, including a copy of the data (if you want) and detailed information about the processing and your rights in relation to such processing.

    You can access your data in real time through your account on the Site.

    10.3. The right to rectification

    You can ask Rentacost to correct/fill inaccurate or incomplete personal data relating to you. You can at any time correct the information you entered in your user profile on Website, using the functions of the profile itself.

    10.4. Right to erasure (right to be forgotten)

    You have the right to ask us to delete your personal information. data if there are grounds for this, set out in the Regulation.

    10.5. Right to restriction of data processing

    You can ask Rentacost to restrict processing, like this provided for by applicable data protection law, if there are reasons for this.

    10.6. Third Party Notice

    You have the right to require Rentacost to notify third parties to whom Rentacost has disclosed personal data, any correction, erasure or restriction of the processing of this personal data, if this impossible or requires a disproportionate amount of effort on the part of Rentacost.

    10.7. Right to data portability

    You have the right to receive personal data concerning you, that you have provided to Rentacost, in a structured, common and machine-readable format, as well as the transmission of this data another controller.

    The right to data portability is permitted if the following two conditions are met simultaneously:

    • processing is based on consent or contractual obligation; and

    • Processing is carried out automatically.

    You also have the right to a direct transfer of data from us to another controller, if this is technically feasible.

    10.8. The right not to be subjected to a decision based solely on automated processing including profiling that gives rise to legal consequences for you or similarly significantly affects you, unless the grounds for not covered by applicable data protection laws and appropriate guarantees for the protection of your rights, freedoms and legitimate interests.

     We do not use technologies falling under this category in the provision of our services.

    10.9. The right to withdraw consent if it is the basis for the processing of your data

    You can revoke your consent to the processing of your personal data in relation to Rentacost, if the data processing is carried out on the basis of your consent (example - for the purposes of direct marketing). However, the withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of the processing prior to the revocation.

    10.10. Right to object

    You have the right at any time and for reasons related to your specific situation, to object to the processing of your personal data that is based on the legitimate interests of Rentacost or a third party party, or on the performance of a task set in public interests, or in the exercise of official powers, including profiling.

    If we receive such an objection, We will consider your request and, if it will be justified, we will satisfy him. If we consider that for there are compelling legitimate grounds for the processing or that it is necessary for establishing, exercising or defending legal claims, we will notify You about it.

    If personal data is processed for direct marketing purposes, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for the purposes of such marketing, which includes profiling as far as it relates to direct marketing. IN in this case, processing for these purposes will be terminated.

    10.11. Right to appeal to a supervisory authority

    We inform you that in accordance with this legislation you also have the right to file a complaint in the event of unlawful processing of your data to the supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of the place your permanent residence, place of work or place of intended violations. The controlling body in the Republic of Bulgaria is Commission for the Protection of Personal Data, located at: 1592 Sofia, blvd. "Prof. 2 Tsvetan Lazarov or

    Your rights can be exercised by writing to to Rentacost, filed personally or by a person authorized by you (with notarized power of attorney) sent to the contact the data specified at the beginning of this Policy. You can also send your request to Rentacost by visiting one of the offices of the latter, indicated on the Site -

    11. Changes to this Privacy Policy 

    This Policy may change over time and additions. Such changes shall take effect immediately upon timely and legal disclosure. In case of any changes, regarding the processing of your data and the content of this Policy, you you will be notified.